Stopping the Spread: A Training for Church Staff
As part of our plan for returning to onsite worship and other activities, the board of First Christian Church is requiring its staff to...

Online Classes This Week (May 18-24)
This week only, get a special Glimpse into Youth Group! Join us this week on ZOOM to get a taste of how our Youth have been participating...

Reentering God's Courts: First Christian's Plan for Returning to Onsite Worship
As we move closer to the day we can once again worship as a gathered community, we want to share with you our plan for doing so as safely...
Phase One Opening Guidelines for Worship at First Christian Church
Approved by Medical Advisory Task Group Thursday, May 6, 2020 Approved by Discipleship Team on Monday, May 11, 2020 What follows is the...
Notes of Hope for Diersen House
Join the staff and mentors of New Life in Christ Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Mission Behind Bars and Beyond in writing...

Covid-19 Care Team and More
Covid-19 Care Response Team We have put together a Care Response Team made up of people who are willing to run errands for those who are...

Stephen Ministers May 2020
The Ministry of Listening by Lynn Armstrong Over the past few months, we have all experienced changes in how we communicate with one...

Elder Compass - May 2020
By: Mike Lorenzen Tribulation: A Cause Of Great Trouble Or Suffering The word tribulation is probably not used often in our daily...
EACM Update
Dear EACM Friends, My prayer is that everyone has continued to stay safe and healthy throughout this difficult time. I know that your...

FCC Appoints Medical Advisory Task Group
The Discipleship Team, which is part of the Board of First Christian Church, has appointed a Medical Advisory Task Group. The purpose of...