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Phase One Opening Guidelines for Worship at First Christian Church

Approved by Medical Advisory Task Group

Thursday, May 6, 2020

Approved by Discipleship Team on Monday, May 11, 2020

What follows is the plan for a first phase re-opening. Those at higher risk for severe illness due to Covid-19 or who provide direct care for those who fall into those categories are encouraged to attend worship online.

1. Staff

  • Ensure all staff are educated on prevention and screening for Covid-19.

- Gail Sprigler, DSN, will provide this training

  • Staff will continue to work remotely as much as possible.

  • Staff will wear masks while on site, unless in their dedicated office space.

  • Staff will practice social distancing.

  • Clean high touch areas frequently, clean offices regularly

  • Common spaces can be used, but must we wiped down regularly and with continued focus on hand hygiene.

2. Arriving for Worship

  • Attendees will be screened upon arrival including temperature checks (two infrared thermometers have been purchased) as well as symptom checks (recent fever, shortness of breath, cough, loss/change of taste and/or smell, body aches, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).

  • If temperature is over 100° or if any symptoms have been experienced within 14 days, attendee will be asked to return home.

  • Provide CDC Information on self-care found at this site.

  • Follow up to ensure attendee is okay, seeking care, and provide directions for where to get tested.

  • Signs will be posted at entry alerting people with symptoms not to enter.

  • Attendees will be signed in using our church’s database. This will be done via iPad, which will be held by only one user at a time and cleaned after use.

  • Record of attendance will be kept in case contact tracing is necessary.

  • Masks will be required for all attendees. Masks will be available for anyone who does not have one. These will be cloth masks, individually packaged, and meant to be kept by the recipient.

  • Hand sanitizer stations will be at entry points.

  • Floor will be marked to demonstrate proper social distancing.

3. Worship

  • All hymnals, Bibles, pens, Kleenex boxes, and other items will be removed from pews.

  • Individual communion packs will be handed out as worshippers enter. They are single serve and disposable.

  • Plastic trays will be at the end of each pew for offering. They will be cleaned after each service.

  • Seating will be arranged so that worshippers are at least 6 feet apart from people living outside of their household.

  • Pews have been measured and are 6 feet apart if you skip a row.

  • Note that if a person stands up in their row, they will be about 4 feet from a person sitting two rows ahead.

  • Seats within 6 feet of other pews will also not be used.

  • No congregational singing.

  • No coffee bar or food service.

  • Clean all high touch surfaces between services. Consider using disinfectant on upholstered surfaces regularly.

  • No childcare will be provided. Children and Youth have to sit with families in the sanctuary.

  • Bulletins can be used, but user must take with them when they leave. We do have a touch free option through our church app.

  • Reminder will be given at the end of service to adhere to social distancing while exiting.

  • If weather allows, open exterior doors and windows during services.

4. Small Groups, Meetings, and Pastoral Care

  • All small groups and meetings will still meet virtually.

  • No direct/in person pastoral care.

5. Other Considerations

  • Elevator can be shared only by members of same household.

  • CDC hand washing guidelines are to be posted in all bathrooms.

  • Bathrooms are limited to one person at a time.

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