Due to the changing demands and protocols for Covid-19, Sunday morning activities maybe be impacted. Please contact Merideth for current information.
Welcome to Our Ministry for Children and their Families
at First Christian Church!
On Sunday mornings, our Children’s ministry is a place where children (from birth to elementary school aged) are welcome to gather, just as Jesus and his disciples did. They will learn what it means to people of faith, learn the sacred stories of Scripture, and experience being the hands and feet of Christ as we gather for service projects, prayer, and compassion for others.
Whether we are feeding the 5,000, learning to fish or teaching others to do the same, on Sunday mornings all are welcome in our Children’s Ministry, no matter how big or small! The only thing we know for sure, Jesus loves us all and as Disciples of Christ Kids, we are called to do just the same!
On Sunday mornings, our nursery opens at 10 AM. Children's Worship and Wonder takes place during our 10:30 AM worship service. See our full schedule below!
10:00 a.m.- Noon Birth to 3 Years Old
We provide a loving and nurturing environment for our youngest children, where they experience compassion, love and the joy of the Spirit at work through play.
10:30 AM 4 years old to 3rd grade and beyond.
Every Sunday morning, our children gather for Children's Wonder and Worship. CW&W is faith formation worship with storytelling, ritual, and fellowship which we offer during our 10:30 worship services for children ages 4 to 2nd grade.
Children are welcome to come down just before worship begins or they can wait until after the 2nd song in worship and receive a blessing before coming downstairs to CW&W.
Gather and Games - Fun and Fellowship for our little Disciples. Held monthly. Check with Merideth for dates.
End of Summer Bash - Fun, Food and Fellowship. Early August
Trunk or Treat - Our Halloween event. Late August
Build-A-Bed - *All Church Event; children very welcome! Mid-December
And lots of other special events. Check our E-news HERE or contact Merideth.