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Stopping the Spread: A Training for Church Staff

As part of our plan for returning to onsite worship and other activities, the board of First Christian Church is requiring its staff to receive professional training about their role in preventing the spread of Covid-19.

In the spirit of being in this together, we have decided to open the training to any interested church staff member.

The purpose of this training is not to provide a road map for returning to onsite worship, most of you already have that. Instead, our goal is to help staff members understand the science behind the various strategies that are being recommended for churches.

The event will be led by Dr. Gail Sprigler, DNP, MSN, RN. Gail serves as a Chief of Education Services in a Louisville hospital and has worked on Covid-19 related intervention and education throughout this outbreak.

As part of the training, participants will be given the chance to ask any questions, including those specific to their church's plan for returning to onsite worship and other activities.

The event is free and will take place on Thursday, June 4, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. Eastern via Zoom. To register for the event and get login credentials, please click here.


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