Stephen Ministry was named after Stephen, found in Acts 6:5, who was the first person commissioned by the Apostles to provide a caring ministry to those in need.
A free and confidential service, Stephen Ministry pairs individuals who desire care with people who have been trained as Stephen Ministers to offer them, not advice or counsel, but Christian support and care.
By extending Christian love and care we can bring wholeness and a closer relationship to God to those in our midst who are hurting and in need of grace, protection, and love.
Some examples of why people seek care from a Stephen Minister include:
Job loss
Terminal Illness
Financial struggles
Chronic illness
Spiritual crisis
Birth of a baby
Everything shared with a Stephen Minister remains completely confidential. Even the relationship itself is kept in highest confidence.
If you or someone you know may be in need of a Stephen Minister, click here.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Stephen Minister, click here.
If you would like to learn more about Stephen Ministry, please watch the videos below.
This video introduces Stephen Ministry and includes the story of Paul, a man who experienced the unthinkable and yet was able to find care and hope through Stephen Ministry.
This video tells the story of Stephen Ministry from a younger person's perspective and reminds us that whatever your age, some things in life can be too hard to handle alone.
This video was produced by our church and includes a powerful testimony from one of our members about how Stephen Ministry helped him in a time of need.