Stephen Ministers May 2021
by Penny Brill

A friend of mine sent me a devotion that ended with this quote: "God, grant me clear vision to see You even when it is difficult because of my circumstances."
If this last year didn't provide each of us difficult circumstances, I would be
amazed!! No one's life was untouched. We missed our jobs, our church, our
family, our friends, eating out, shopping.....the list goes on.
As we are emerging (like the 17 year Cicadas) into this new, almost, post-pandemic
era, a lot of us are still struggling with letting go of the isolation we
have been living in.
You are not alone!! Stephen Ministry is here to remind you and show you God is
still among us, listening to us, supporting us. He is our hearts strongest beat and
our soul's best friend. If you need someone to walk along beside you and listen to
you about your concerns and fears, we are here to help you see the presence of
God working in your life.
Let us all rejoice in the opportunity to gather together in his name. Let none of us
struggle with life issues that are just too overwhelming. You are not alone. God is
with you and Stephen Ministry is available for you. Asking for a Stephen Minister
is the beginning of a path to wholeness.
As we step into this new frontier (May the 4th be with you) remember that God is
present and he will listen and comfort and support.
In Christ,
Penny Brill
"For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare
and not for harm. Plans to give you a future with hope." ~Jeremiah 29:11
Stephen Ministry:
Christ Caring for People
Through People