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Stephen Ministers July 2021

by Penny Brill

First Christian Church has some more exciting news to share. During the

shut down of all things public, three of our members have been forging

ahead in some very meaningful ways.

We are going to Commission a new Stephen Minister and two new Stephen

Leaders on July 8th in the Atrium.

Pam Platt has committed to extensive training (Zooming) over many weeks

to become a very welcome member of FCC's Stephen Ministry Team. We

are all elated to have her on the ready to walk along side and be trained to

assist a person who is over whelmed by the curve balls that life can throw

us all.

Sharon Hillerich and I spent 10 weeks on Zoom classes with participants

from all over the country, training to be Stephen Leaders. It was an extraordinary experience that brought many new friends into our lives, and a much deeper understanding of the benefits of Stephen Ministry.

This is a program that reminds any disciple of servant spirit to serving

Christ and representing him here on earth. It is a program that reminds us

we are the hands and feet of Christ, as well as the heart and soul.

This brings me to another point, we have a fantastic opportunity in Stephen

Ministry to serve. We need an infusion of energy, vitality and perspective

that can come only from a population that does not look like me!! We need

hands and feet that are not arthritic. We want to look around our meetings

and not see gray hair!!

You, yes you, are welcome and wanted to join us.

Think about it, YOU are needed.

In Christ,

Penny Brill

Choose for yourselves this day when you will serve. ~Joshua, 24:15

Stephen Ministry:

Christ Caring for People

Through People


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