How Do We Show Compassion for Another?

Stephen Ministry:
Christ Caring for People
Through People
Last month’s article briefly described some of the components of our Stephen Ministry training and listed the above question as one of the topics.
When we think of compassion words like sympathy, care, concern, tenderness may come to mind. We may string these words together ... compassion is sympathetic concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Merriam-Webster defines it as “both an understanding of another’s pain and the desire to somehow mitigate that pain."
In our training we learn a broader meaning for compassion. As a Stephen Minister we bring a willingness to truly feel another’s struggle. We share their feelings and journey with them through their difficult times. Often we ourselves are “wounded healers”; we have experienced loss or pain and can understand some of what the care receiver is going through. We care deeply and personally about them. And we want to bring Christ’s care into the relationship for we have faith that through Him healing can occur. We believe that God uses us to bring Christ’s healing and wholeness to others.
Some of us wonder if we can truly serve in this way and then we discover that our training does equip us to show true compassion for another.
We are looking for those in our church family who may be interested in learning more about our training. Perhaps you are feeling called to join us as a Stephen Minister. For more information you may contact one of our Stephen Leaders or call the church office.
Do you have gifts for caring,
encouragement and listening?
If so, please prayerfully consider
becoming a Stephen Minister.