FCC Louisville Helps to Provide Safe Space for Local LGBTQ+ Teens
Teenage members of the LGBTQ+ community face many struggles as they seek to find their way in life. These struggles often lead to adverse, even dangerous situations and realities. The effects of these challenges often result in lower GPAs, higher drop out and suicide rates, isolation, eating disorders, substance abuse, and higher risk-taking activities, to name a few. Unfortunately, many LGBTQ+ teens are left to face these challenges alone, some even being abandoned by family, friends, and church communities. To combat this and offer an alternative, Louisville Youth Group (LYG) is committed to serving the emotional, intellectual and social needs of LGBTQ+ youth. This is achieved through the creation of a safe place where healthy life choices are encouraged and taught. Within a year of their founding in 1990, hundreds of LYG meetings were held. A nervous group of youth set into motion an organization that has thrived for an entire generation! From their humble beginnings, they have now served more than 5,000 youth. To serve the needs of this many youth, 100+ adult mentors have been trained. In recent years, the addition of teacher, social worker, clergy and youth service worker trainings have expanded our impact to creating a safer Kentuckiana for all youth.
The 2017 wholeness grant from FCC helped provide LYG with funds for t-shirts, bracelets, a tent, fans and snacks for all three Pride events for both LYG and Jefferson County Public Schools, who did not have funding but wanted to participate for their LGBTQ+ students. LYG youth continue to express gratitude for t-shirts and Pride supplies because it allows them to get to know safe members of the community; to know that there are supportive faith communities in the area, and to attend an event that allows them to celebrate their authentic selves.
The wholeness grant used to fund this ministry was made possible through your faithful financial support of our church and its ministries and help fund a variety of efforts to make our world a better place. You can find more examples of those efforts or apply for a grant to make the world a better place by clicking here.