A Letter from the First Christian Church of Louisville President
January 2021
Happy and Healthy New Year to all of you at First Christian Church!
We are moving through a pandemic, attending church virtually and searching for a new minister. We have challenges in triplicate! However, other churches have faced similar challenges and thrived. First Christian Church of Louisville will be one of those churches because we’re special.
Here’s just a little of what I mean by special. In just 4 years (2015-2019) our Wholeness Ministry Grants funded 149 ministries in at least 53 countries. Those ministries have received more than $250,000. Even with a pandemic, in 2020 the Wholeness Ministry Grant committee has given money to several non-profits. All this money is donated after all our other budgetary demands are met. You, the members of FCC and your extraordinary generosity make all this possible. In fact, your generosity has set FCC apart as incredible for a church of our size. Plus, our annual budget includes 20-30 thousand dollars for other kinds of outreach. Every FCC member should be very proud.
Throughout Covid our youth and children’s ministries have continued their great work. More than 75 children and youth have been involved in virtual meetings and services. They have received notes and cards throughout the year reminding them that they are loved. The Youth have had social distancing events including a game night, kayaking and bike rides as well as organizing Youth Sunday. The congregation’s children, from our youngest to our Youth Group, participated in our virtual Hanging of the Greens this year.
FCC is a wonderful, loving, caring congregation. We should all be proud of what our church does beyond the walls of the church building in our community and beyond.
I want to make sure everyone has the latest information on the search for a new senior minister. Terry Minton, Vice President Diane Zimmerman, and I are currently researching and interviewing candidates for interim minister. The pool is not deep for those willing to serve as interim but fortunately we have some good candidates. Our interim will serve until our new permanent minister is called.
At the same time, Alan Parsons and I are selecting 7 congregation members who will find our permanent senior minister. This process will take at least a year. It’s a long, methodical, and prayerful process and it should be. We hope this person will be serving our pastoral needs for several years to come.
If you have a pastoral care need, there are several staff members and lay people available to help until our interim minister arrives. Please contact the church office at gina.jennings@fcclouisville.org.
I am always available to you anytime and can be reached by email at Mswan8@yahoo.com or by phone at (502) 644-4538.
I’d also like to extend an invitation to all congregation members to write an open letter about why FCC is their church home. The letters will be published in our online newsletter and letters will also be mailed to church members. There are many great stories out there and we need to share them.
May God Bless You and our First Christian Family,
Melissa Swan
Congregational President