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2023 Children's Ministry

Check out what's coming up in Children's Ministry!

Soup Kitchen

Our children and youth, along with their families, volunteer about 4 times a year at a church in Southern Indiana at their weekly Soup Kitchen. Our next date will be Saturday, January 28 and we would like to invite anyone who would like to help to join us between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Please let Rev. Merideth know if you’d like to join.

We meet at 10 a.m. at St. Marks UCC in New Albany, IN. It takes about 8-12 helpers to make it run smoothly each time. My family typically goes to the store to purchase the main dish and we check with St Marks the week before our turn for any special instructions. Once we arrive, we make the drinks, wrap the silverware, start cooking, start up the dishwasher and a whole checklist of items that we have to take care of before we can start serving the meal. We serve at Noon and the guests who come to eat also have the option to pick up clothes out of their clothes closet.

We serve the guests, pick up the trays, wipe down the tables and do all we can to make the 75-100 guests feel like they are dining at a restaurant. There are times when volunteers cannot stay the entire time or need to come late. This is fine.

Learn to Play the Boomwhackers - A Special Music Opportunity

We are so excited to offer this new musical opportunity to our congregation. Angie Hopperton, our amazing pianist, is going to lead a group of younger folks (but all ages are welcome to try!) using BOOMWHACKERS.

I am sure you are asking what are Boomwhackers?!?!?! They are tuned plastic percussion tubes. Play by (gently!) striking almost anything: a table, the floor, your thigh or hand, a shoe. Different surfaces can produce different qualities of sound (but always the same pitch).

If you are interested in trying this out, here is what you need to know:

We will rehearse Sunday, January 29 and Sunday, February 5 right after church (from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm). We will gather in the front of the sanctuary.

Then we will also rehearse Sunday, February 12. Arrive at 9:35 to rehearse at 9:45 am and then play a song with the Boomwhackers during our 10:30 am Worship Service.

This is for ages kindergarten and up. If your kindergartener or first grader wants to participate, please bring an adult with them. The older children will be partnered with the youth.

Let Merideth know if you want to give it a try!

Online, Lunchtime, Book Club for Parents

I would love to invite you to a book study with some other parents. "HOLD UP?!?!" I bet you’re saying …. “A book study sounds both amazing and awful at the same time. Amazing because I need a group of people who I can talk to and interact with but it sounds awful because I just don’t have the time and more often the energy for it”. Because I am saying it to but honestly if I know I need it, then I know you all do too!

So here’s what I am going to do to try to simplify it as much as possible for all of us.

Who: Parents, people helping parent, people needed a group

What: A discussion based on a book (but honestly if you don’t read the book you will still be able to jump in and discuss with us!

When: Noon on Thursdays during the month of February

Where: ZOOM! – Although I would like to schedule one gathering at the end of the study

Here’s the book:

Read the intro:

Contact Merideth if you're interested.


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