Welcome to First Christian Church
of Louisville, KY
Join us for Sunday Worship: In-Person and streaming at 10:30 AM on Facebook Live

The church is more than a building - the church is the body of Christ, called to serve the world by bringing healing wherever there is brokenness or suffering.
We serve the world through ministries such as Build-A-Bed, Forgotten Louisville, St. Mark UCC Soup Kitchen and our on Wholeness Grant program, which we use to support individuals and agencies who have joined our movement to make the world a better place.

Our journey of bringing wholeness to our broken world continues in our weekly celebration of worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.
At the heart of our worship service is the celebration of communion, which is open to everyone because we believe that the grace of Christ is open to all who would receive it.
At First Christian Church,
All Means All.

Another big part of our movement for wholeness is the nurture and care we offer those who call First Christian their church home.
We are committed not only to helping you find a connection with God but also with the body of Christ on earth. After all, the journey of faith was never meant to be made alone.