Stephen Ministers June 2020

New Additions to our Stephen Leadership Team!
by Lynn Armstrong
Stephen Leaders oversee and direct our Stephen Ministry. They share a vision and work together to build and maintain a lasting Stephen Ministry at First Christian Church.
FCC maintains a minimum of five people trained and actively serving on the team at all times to share the work load, but more importantly, to bring fresh ideas and approaches to how this ministry can best serve our church family and support our Stephen Ministers.
We are very pleased that Sharon Hillerich and Penny Brill joined our Leadership Team this April. Sharon was a member of our first Stephen Minister training program, and was commissioned as a Stephen Minister in April, 2013. Penny was commissioned as a Stephen Minister in 2015. Their service and commitment to this program has been invaluable.
Stephen Leaders provide the following:
·Recruit and select caring people for Stephen Ministry training
·Train those people incoming Stephen Ministers
·Build awareness of the Stephen Ministry program
·Work to identify people in need of care
·Assign Stephen Ministers to provide care
·Supervise the caregivers and serve as support and consultants
Evaluate and reenergize the caregiving ministry
Stephen Ministry is a natural extension of who we are as a church and provides us with a system of training and other resources to increase the level of intentional one-to-one care we can offer to our congregation and community. By extending Christian love and care we can bring wholeness and a closer relationship to God to those in our midst who are hurting and in need of grace, protection, and love.
Please keep our Stephen Leaders in your prayers with thanksgiving for the time and energy they dedicate to serve the needs of our church family.
To learn more about this important ministry, visit:
Stephen Ministry:
Christ Caring for People
Through People