Sometimes We Just Can’t Decide on Our Next Step ...

Stephen Ministry:
Christ Caring for People
Through People
Sometimes We Just Can’t Decide on Our Next Step ...
by Carol Warner
In today’s world we are faced with many choices. And often when we are faced with serious challenges there may seem to be too many choices, too many decisions to be made, too many gray areas. It’s just too hard to sort through everything and decide on the next best step. We may find ourselves turning around and around like we are on a merry-go-round and not able to stop and see a way to go forward.
Finding a way to cope with a challenge and making a decision that allows us to move forward can be tough. Instead of deciding, we may do nothing and make no choice. We simply continue to struggle. Or we may even keep doing the same thing over and over again, yet the challenge remains and our struggle continues.
A Stephen Minister may be able to help. We won’t give you an answer, we don’t fix the problem and we can’t choose the best option for you. But we can help by listening, by affirming what you are feeling, by walking alongside you as you struggle with the next steps. We will pray for you. And we will pray with you if that is what you are needing.
We are not pastors or therapists or counselors. We are not spiritual directors. We are not best friends or casual acquaintances. But we are trained, Christian caregivers who will help you find some breathing room so you can find your way through the darkness and indecision.
Maybe your next step is to call our church office at (502) 228-4189 and ask to be contacted by Billie Tharp, our referrals coordinator. That call will begin the process of finding out if a Stephen Minister could help you sort out your next step. You do not have to struggle alone.