Search Committee Update - April 28
First Christian Church has appointed a Search Committee to conduct the search for a new Senior Minister. The committee is chaired by Alan Parsons. The other members of the group are Patty Rankin, Kathy Olliges, Gary Fogle, Tonya Bordy, Scott Lanter, Gracelyn Jack and Amanda Stratton. The committee is meeting every other week and will send updates to the congregation and regular intervals. See below for their first update and for our search timeline.
April 27, 2021
The committee met April 27 and conducted a preliminary review of congregational survey responses received as of the meeting (102 responses). This appears to be an excellent response rate but the committee, at the request of the Congregation President, is extending the response deadline to midnight, May 2 to encourage even more participation. A summary of the survey findings should be available for the congregation by the end of May or early June.
The Dean Phelps, Interim Regional Minister, reviewed for the committee the components of pay and benefits for ministers and the special tax consequences that applies to each. He also suggested methodologies to determine the range of pay and benefits necessary to call a minister in the Kentucky region. The committee also commenced its review of the Senior Minister Job Description. Upon completion of its review, the committee will submit recommendations on minister pay, benefits, and job description to the Discipleship Team for approval. The committee remains confident of completing the Congregational Profile no later than June after which the position will be posted, and applications accepted.
Please continue to keep the committee’s work in your thoughts and prayers.
Alan Parsons, Committee Chair
