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Outdoor Worship Reservations Available

First Christian Church of Louisville is now holding onsite outdoor worship! You must make a reservation to attend. Registration links will be available each week HERE, on Facebook or by request (email Gina). In case of inclement weather, we will worship on the following Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Please check our website for any cancellation notices.

We will begin with only one service each week at 9:00 a.m. In future weeks, if the demand calls for it, we will add a second service that will take place at 11:00 a.m. Online Sunday School will still take place at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. If you want to attend worship and Sunday School, please bring your laptop or device. We will set up socially distant appropriate spaces outside of our building where you can log-in to the class.

Initially, our outdoor services will be shorter than our usual Sunday services but will include music, prayer, and communion at the very least. As we grow in confidence and comfort with this approach we will consider adding other worship elements including a message/sermon.

Please note, our primary worship service will still be pre-recorded each week and posted online by Saturday at 6:00 p.m. The pre-recorded services will continue to include the sermon and all other elements of worship. We are planning to live-stream our onsite Sunday morning service and will publish details of how you can watch ASAP.

Here are the essentials you need to know if you plan on attending:

  • Each reservation will be for a single space that can be shared by up to six people who are currently residing in the same household. Spaces will be at least nine feet from other spaces. We have 19 spaces available for each service.

  • Once we fill the 19 available spaces, a waiting list will be started on a first-come, first-served basis. Those who remain on the waiting list will be given the first chance to sign up for the next week's service.

  • Worshipers will need to bring their own chairs and can bring something to provide shade and water to drink.

  • Masks must be worn unless you are seated in your chair. If you do not have a mask, we will provide you with one! Once in your seat, you can remove your mask.

  • While there will be no medical checks, we do ask that you stay home if you have experienced any symptoms related to COVID-19 or other infectious diseases. We also ask that those who fall under the higher risk categories according to the CDC consider worshiping with us online.

  • Bathrooms will only be available for emergency use and can only be used by one person at a time.

  • If you show up without a reservation, you will only be admitted if a registered person does not show up.

  • You can fellowship after worship is over so long as masks are on and you are keeping strict social distance.

Of course, in order to provide these services, we will need several volunteers. If you are able to help out, please click here. If we don't have enough volunteers, we will have to cancel services for that week. Volunteers are guaranteed a spot for worship and do not need to register.

While we all look forward to returning to our sanctuary for worship, the above plan allows us to gather sooner and safer than we would have been able to do otherwise. Our Medical Advisory Task Group and the Discipleship Team will continue to monitor the situation and make changes and recommendations as necessary.

We can't wait to see you soon!


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