Maryhurst Needs Our Help
For 175 years, Maryhurst has served children and families in our community in greatest need. COVID-19 has presented us with a once-in-a-generation challenge in providing critical services to young women living in our residential treatment program. It has stretched the ministry's resources to the breaking point and our support is needed now more than ever. To that end, First Christian Church is holding a donation drive to benefit Maryhurst. Numerous items are critically needed to provide the best services possible to abused and neglected kids during one of the most challenging points in our history. See their website for more information here.
Ways to support:
Amazon Wish List: Send items directly (please include your name on the gift receipt):
Mail donations to: Maryhurst c/o Development, 1015 Dorsey Lane, Louisville, 40223.
Drop off items: Anytime between 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Good Shepherd Center (see address above).
Financial donation: You can make a gift directly to Maryhurst that will be used in the fight against COVID-19
If you have any questions, Gina can provide you with the Maryhurst contact person.