A recent spring afternoon. The sun shines. The birds sing. On any other day, this might signal that all is well.
But the people outside sit at least 6 feet away from each other, as they discuss how to bring all of us closer together in love and spirit while the world struggles with social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic.
There has to be more to this than monitoring symptoms, foraging for toilet paper, and worrying about what tomorrow might bring, they say.
The elder turns to old teachings, and suggests living out, in ways we can, to love our neighbor in this frightening, trying time.
The idea becomes something real as they discuss it.
Let's use the church directory, the elder says.
On a regular basis, let's those of us who feel like it, call or email someone we haven't been able to see in the sanctuary because shared worship has been temporarily suspended to help keep us safe and healthy. Let's touch base, make contact, listen and share.
It's that simple. Anyone can do this.
We know church is more than a building, and that we can extend it in ways that transcend space. Kind of the way God's love works, too.
The things that come to you on a spring afternoon in the sun, even in a time of pandemic.
Let's love our neighbor in the way we can, right now.
~Anonymous Member of First Christian Church
If you’d like to join First Christian Church of Louisville in our #lovethyneighbor effort, all you have to do is reach out and contact someone in our church in whatever form or fashion you choose. If you would like an updated directory to aid your effort or access to Church Community Builder, please email Gina.