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First Christian Church of Louisville Coronavirus (Covid-19) Action Plan

As concern over the coronavirus continues to mount, First Christian Church of Louisville has developed the following action plan. This will be updated as needed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a member of our staff.

First, please make sure you are staying informed. The best way of doing that is regularly visiting the following websites for information:


Decisions about whether or not worship services are held will be made on a week to week basis. We will post updates on our website, social media feeds, and e-news. If you are not on our e-news list, you can sign up here. We will not be posting on local TV channels.

In response to the current situation, we have enhanced our online worship experience. In addition to our regularly posted sermon videos, which can be found here, we have created a more robust online worship experience that will allow you to view multiple elements of worship including opening prayer, offertory, communion, and an invitation to discipleship and the sending forth clicking here. We have also set up an audio podcast of our weekly sermons. You can find that by searching for First Christian Church of Louisville Podcast on your favorite podcast service.

When we return to worship (at least initially), we recommend that anyone who falls into the at-risk categories as described by the CDC and WHO should not attend. We also encourage those who come into regular contact with at-risk individuals to consider not attending. If you have any symptoms of infection, please do not come to worship.

If you have worship or other volunteer responsibilities and fit any of the above categories, please contact the church office and we will find a replacement.

If we do have worship, the following changes will be implemented:

  • We will no longer shake hands during our time of greeting.

  • Offertory trays will not be passed. There will be baskets at the end of each aisle in which you can place your gifts to God. You can also give online. To set up online gifts please click here or text FCCLouisville to 77977.

  • Communion will be served at the front of the sanctuary for all worship services so that the trays are not passed from person to person. The bread will be placed in separate, individual communion cups. Volunteers will prepare communion carefully and as hygienically as possible.

  • We will provide coffee but will suspend food service at our coffee bar.

Unless announced otherwise, we will provide normal childcare and children's ministry activities if worship is held.

Other Activities

All other scheduled church activities such as youth group, bible studies, fellowship groups, and meetings that take place online are to either be canceled or moved online. Leaders can contact the church office for online tools and resources. If you have questions about a group you are in, please contact your group leader.

Pastoral Care

We are recommending that staff, elders, Stephen Ministers, and all other volunteers refrain from providing in-person pastoral care to at-risk individuals until otherwise notified. We will instead provide care via telephone and other communication methods. If there is a pastoral emergency, please let us know and we will do everything we can to meet that need.

Our staff will be working from home as much as possible. While they will be checking voice mail, the best way to contact them is via email.

Online Giving

We know this is may be a time of financial stress for members of our faith community, but we encourage those who are able to support the continuing ministries of the church to please do so. To give your gift online by clicking here, texting FCClouisville to 77977*, or mailing a check to First Christian Church, 7700 US Highway 42, Louisville, KY 40241

Covid-19 Care Response Team and Financial Assistance

We are currently recruiting volunteers for a Care Response Team. This team will be made up of people who are willing to run errands for those who are sick, quarantined, self-isolating, or at-risk. You will not be entering homes, but will coordinate a “front porch drop off.”

If you are interested in volunteering for this team please sign up at the following link:

If you need to request the services of this team, please email a staff member and we will facilitate the process.

If you are in need of financial assistance during this outbreak, our Acts 2 Fund is here for you. Please reach out to Brian Gerard to make a request. All requests are confidential.

Online Classes

We will be offering a variety of online opportunities during this outbreak.

The first will begin this Wednesday evening as we start a 5-week class titled, “Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times.” You can find more information here:

Children’s Ministry

Merideth has included a sign-up genius to do virtual check-ins, including online coffee dates with parents and coloring dates with children. (please make sure an adult is also present to do this.)

Merideth would like to have a group check-in for 3rd to 5th Grades each Monday at Noon for the next few weeks. She will be sending out more information on how to participate.

Our denomination is offering the following 2 options for families. (You need to have the gotomeeting app to participate. It is easy to find and install.):

Other activities and resources will be sent out to families as they are planned. If you are not already signed up for our children’s ministry news and would like to be included please email Merideth.

Youth Ministry

Jerry will facilitate online youth group meetings with middle and high school students via ZOOM teleconferencing application. Students will access the online meeting via a link Jerry will share with students via email, Facebook, and Instagram.

  • Online Middle School Meetings will happen at 6 pm on Sunday evenings. Middle School students can use the following link to join:

  • Online High School Meetings will happen at 7 pm on Sunday evenings. High School students can use the following link to join:

A Final Word

Friends, we know there is a lot of uncertainty right now. We are trying to respond in the most appropriate and well-thought manner possible. We appreciate your patience, understanding, and grace as we do our very best to walk alongside you in this journey.


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