Stephen Ministers February 2022
by Penny Brill

Are you just exhausted spiritually? Do you feel you are missing the ability to recharge your faith and find the strength to deal with life’s issues? I can offer you a path back!!
Stephen Ministry is a program to help you reconnect, through trained associates, to the power of God and the grace he gives us all to carry on. All of us grow weary. God offers us the opportunity to start each day with renewed energy to tackle what is part of day to day living.
Some days we all get by hour by hour; some minute by minute. When life’s issues overwhelm us, Stephen Ministry can be a drink of cold water, a non-judgmental ear, a confidential outlet. We are right here at First Christian Church, available to you. Reaching out for help, even when you are drowning, can be difficult, we know that. Your call to the church office will be the hardest step you take. Once you connect, help will be on the way. There really are people who care and who will listen.
If you are feeling this loss of faith, or know someone struggling with the issues in their life, make the call, 228-4189.
In Christ,
Penny Brill
He gives power to the faint and strengthens the powerless…..those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. ~Isaiah 40:29-31
Stephen Ministry:
Christ Caring for People
Through People