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Christian Caring for All by Carol Warner

Stephen Ministry:

Christ Caring for People

Through People

In John 15:12, Jesus says, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” Loving and caring for one another is not just the pastor’s job or the staff's — it’s something Jesus calls us all to do!

And we all can be caring Christians. We can be the eyes and ears and hands of our Lord. When we open our eyes we can see others in need. We can listen, reach out with a caring touch and walk alongside them. We can speak words of kindness and peace. We can be still and patient and just BE with them. We can respond with love.

Stephen Ministry is a ministry in which people with special gifts for caring can put those gifts to use in an organized way. Our Stephen Ministers bring Jesus’ love and care to those who most need it, those experiencing a life challenge or a crisis or simply a rough time. They care as long as they are needed, perhaps only a few months, perhaps longer.

Yes, every member of our church family can provide care in many small ways and rest in the knowledge that our Stephen Ministry is another option when things seem even more difficult. We don't have to simply watch someone struggle alone.

O Lord, our Savior, you have shown us how to love. You have commanded us to love others, just as you have loved us. Give each of us the strength and resolve to carry out this command as we reach out to one another. Help us be agents of your love as we strive to create a more caring community where all who are weary and carry heavy burdens can find rest. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen.


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