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Children's Ministry Updates!

I went to church Sunday - but I didn’t actually go into our FCC building. I was outside putting together kits for refugees. I invited families to come and do this service project and they came; people of all ages but mostly children came and gathered and did the work.

It was beautiful, as I stood there watching and supporting, I looked at all of these children/people and I knew without a doubt I was in the presence of God. God was there and I was in a different kind of WORSHIP through SERVICE. It’s a very different way to worship - no music, no preaching, and no pews but worship indeed. I lived out what I believe Jesus has called us to do and I did it with others.

Then a little later on that same day, I gathered with some families, and some of our youth at the Louisville Zoo. I laughed with them, I seriously sweated - a lot - with them, I checked in with them and so much more. And when the day was over, I realized that I had been taking communion with them. Although we didn’t officially say the Words of Institution and talk about it being a time of communion, our time together, walking, eating and drinking was an amazing version of communion that filled me and inspired me to make it through the week.

Thank you to all who made this day filled with worship a possibility. I see the God in each of your faces and am so thankful to have worshiped in this way with you all.

Here are some of the next opportunities to gather outside of our Sunday Morning Sunday School is:

July 6 at Parklands Splash Park around 4:30 to 5 PM

July 13 at Holiday World @ 10 AM

July 18 at FCC for a Bike Party at 3 PM


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