Build A Bed Spring Event
Saturday, April 14th
Thomas Jefferson Middle School/First Neighborhood Place

Good Morning First Christian Church Family!!
We are excited to announce that it’s that time of year again for our Spring Build-A-Bed Event!! As you may know, the Build-A-Bed project began in 2009 as a service project by the Kentucky AmeriCorps program directors. In 2012 the Jefferson County Public Schools AmeriCorps Program stepped out in faith and hosted our first event here in Louisville. This project was quickly embraced by our community and it has steadily gained support from good folks like you! Our local effort, led by JCPS Office of Community Support Services, coincides with the Mayor’s Give-A-Day Week, and seeks to gather community volunteers to construct twin-size beds for JCPS students in need. Our goal this year is to build 130 beds! This year’s Build-A-Bed event will be held at: Thomas Jefferson (TJ) Middle School, 1501 Rangeland Rd., 40219, on Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
We are currently in the planning process, which is why we are reaching out to you in hopes that you could help organize a build team for First Christian Church, to assist us in accomplishing our goal. The Team registration form is here and offers some important details on the items you need and time of event, it needs to be returned by March 2, 2018. It is important to note that each team must have a minimum of 4 members, but cannot exceed 5 members. More information pertaining to the event will be sent to you as we draw closer to April 14th.
If you are interested in serving on FCC's Team, please email Paula Bernd with your contact information to include cell and email address and T-Shirt size.
If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to contact me via email or phone at 502-338-3317, AND Leneshia Perry- Communications Manager for the Build-A-Bed Event, at or at 502-656-7428. Between the two of us, your questions/concerns can be addressed in a timely manner.
Thanks in advance for your consideration of “Team Lead”, and thank you for being a true champion for the students and families as we serve together through this life-giving project!
In Service,
Build-A-Bed Planning Team
Ben Langley
Specialist Community Support Services
Jefferson County Public Schools
Neighborhood Place/Student Support Services/AmeriCorps
Ahrens Educational Resource Center
546 South First Street, Suite 204
Louisville, Kentucky 40202