A New Year, A New You?

Stephen Ministry:
Christ Caring for People
Through People
A New Year, A New You?
by Carol Warner
Yes, we have turned the calendar page to January and it is 2019. Are you looking forward to the new start? Or does the year seem to stretch forward toward more of the same old thing? And the “same old thing” hasn’t been all that great!
Here at First Christian Church we believe we are a movement for wholeness in a broken world and for years now we have offered a way to ease some of this brokenness with our Stephen Ministry. If you or someone you care about is struggling with the challenges life can bring us, the gift of a Stephen Minister may be a way to help the New Year seem to be less troubling.
Our Stephen Ministers have 50 hours of training and have learned that sometimes a prayerful, listening ear can yield less pain, fear, hurt, worry, concern or frustration. They will be consistent in visiting weekly and praying daily.
In our heads we may accept that God is always with us, yet in our hearts we may ache with uncertainty. For a few weeks or longer if needed, a Stephen Minister will be present, will listen without judging, will pray and can share their faith that God IS part of the caring relationship.
Calling our church office and asking to be connected with our Referrals Coordinator will start the process to determine if Stephen Ministry would be a good fit for beginning to heal the brokenness. Let this new year, be a kinder and gentler year for us all.
Merciful God, there are those in our midst who carry heavy burdens. Help us to be sensitive to those needs, reaching out to them with your love and compassion, offering them the care they need. In your name we pray. Amen.