2021 Trunk or Treat
🎃 Happy fall! 🎃
Our plans for Trunk or Treat 2021 are progressing, and we need your help!

This event will be outdoors on Sunday, October 24 from 3-5 p.m. We will have trunks decorated for children to visit in our parking lot, a photo booth, a dance party area, sidewalk chalk decorating, and a pumpkin patch!
Social distancing will be required, masks will be recommended. Masks provided, if needed.
VOLUNTEER TO HELP - If you would like to provide a trunk, donate treat bag items OR volunteer for other tasks (TBD) please click here: https://fcclouisville.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/111/responses/new
This year, you are welcome and encouraged to have treats (food or other) at your trunk for the kids to pick up as they go by.
We will also prepare small goodie bags for the children beforehand.
Treats need to be store bought and individually packaged.
REGISTER TO ATTEND- If you and your family are planning to attend, please click here to register (and let us know of any allergies): https://fcclouisville.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/110/responses/new
By registering, you will help us:
Limit number of people by picking a specific time
Know if your child has food allergies
Know how many children plan to attend