2020 Easter Lilies
This year's Easter Lilies were given by:
Gilbert and Jill Darnell, in honor of Michael Darnell, Kristen Staab, Amelia Staab and Everett Staab and in loving memory of Gilbert and Ruth Darnell, Kemper and Frances Wheatley and Steve Wheatley.
Brian and Allyson Laferty, in loving memory of our love ones that are no longer with us and in honor of our wonderful family.
Dave and Jae Neumann, in honor of Bonnie Hagan and in memory of Mary Neumann
Charlotte Tharp, in loving memory of Sonny Tharp, Bill Loader, friend and First Christian Elder, Sonny’s parents, Leonard and Louise Tharp, Charlotte’s parents, Lilburn and Anna Mae Sallee and Sonny’s sister and brother-in-law, Norma and Eddie Yunt.
Special thanks to all
for making our sanctuary
so lovely for this year's
online worship service!
