Newly Commissioned Stephen Ministers

Stephen Ministry:
Christ Caring for People
Through People
Newly Commissioned Stephen Ministers
by Carol Warner
On the evening of September 12, two members of our congregation were commissioned as Stephen Ministers — Jenny Ewing and John “Terry” Hohman. They join FCC’s team of ten other Stephen Ministers as Christian Caregivers. Through their commitment, training and commissioning they are now prepared to minister to members of our congregation and community who may be struggling with life’s difficulties.

Since 2012 our church family has created, expanded and supported this caring ministry. By extending love and care we can offer wholeness and a closer relationship to God for those in our midst who are feeling challenged with loss of any kind. Having a caring, accepting listener can ease many burdens and serve as a reminder of God’s grace and love.
Please keep Jenny and Terry in your prayers as they carry the love of Christ to those in need.
And if you or someone you care about could benefit from a caring listener, your call to our church office will connect you with our Referrals Coordinator. You may also use the FCC website by clicking here.