Children's Ministry Updates
Exciting New Opportunity in Children's Ministry!
We are excited to announce a need for a new class focusing on 1st-2nd grade allowing 3rd-4th grade students to have their own class. It is a tremendous blessing to have so many children in our congregation! However, we cannot grow our program without the support of willing and grace-filled volunteers.
We are seeking 3-4 volunteers to teach either 1st-2nd students or 3rd-4th grade students during the 11 a.m. service! Volunteers will use a pre-planned and prepared curriculum provided by FCC. Volunteers should be able to teach 16 Sundays each year. We can schedule dates depending on your availability. Volunteers will work with the support of a childcare worker in each class. A background check will be required for all volunteers.
Please email Rev. Caitlin Simpson to learn more about volunteering in children's ministry.
Parents and Guardians - PLEASE READ! Transition Sunday at FCC!
With the start of the new school year also comes the excitement of Transition Sunday at FCC! Transition Sunday happens each year around the start of school and marks the time when children and youth who are eligible transition into their new Sunday School class. For any parents who have questions about whether their child will move to a new class, please see Caitlin on Sunday morning down in the children's space or email her.
Please take a moment to ensure we have the most up-to-date information for your child(ren) regarding age, allergies, etc by clicking here. This form is also available in paper form in the children's space. We are so excited to continue to serve the children and youth of FCC by providing faith based curriculum to help them grow in their faith journeys.
Program Offerings on Sunday Mornings
8:30 Service - Busy bags located outside sanctuary for children and youth to access during worship.
9:30 Service- Nursery and Sunday School available in children's space for ages birth-5th grade
11:00 Service-
Nursery - Infant to Age 2
Little Disciples - Ages 3-4
Worship and Wonder - Ages 5 and 6 (Kindergarten)
Disciples Kids - Grades 1st-4th